How to prevent oral & skin problems from mask-wearing

The pandemic has proliferated a new staple accessory in our daily wardrobe – face masks. Whether you prefer to don on surgical masks or washable fabric ones, wearing a mask is a key pillar in the strategy against Covid-19 as well as reducing the risk of any airborne infection transmissions. With the ongoing pandemic, mask […]

Caring for Your Skin Under the Sun

If there is one silver lining in this current pandemic, it is that people are getting outside now more than ever to exercise! With restrictions at the gyms, many of us are hitting the outdoors to get our exercise. In the process of maintaining our physical health, we tend to forget to take care of […]

How to Care for Your Children’s Skin

Common Skincare Problems in Children – What Parents Need to Know Children have more delicate and sensitive skin than adults. As parents, it is important to know how to care for your children’s skin, so that their skin will be healthy as they age. General Skincare Tips for Everyone Limit time spent in direct sunlight […]

What is Shingles and How Common Is It?

Understanding Shingles Shingles, also known as herpes zoster, is a painful skin rash caused by the re-activation of the chickenpox virus (varicella-zoster virus) in people who have previously had chickenpox. The virus can be re-activated because of a range of issues that include advancing age, immune-suppressants, illness, or stress. It is estimated that around one […]

Colour blindness

Question:   My brother is colour blind while me (I am a female) and my sisters all have normal vision. Based on this, it appears that my mum has a recessive gene for colour blindness. Is there any ways for me to find out if I am a carrier of this gene? Also, is there […]

Myopia In One Eye

Question: My 10-year-old daughter has myopia only in one eye. She tried using spectacles with single vision lenses but complained that it gave her a headache. Now, she refuses to wear her spectacles. What will happen to my daughter’s vision if she continues this? Can anything help her overcome the discomfort of the imbalance? Answer: […]

There’s a New Cure for Retinal Disorder

Minimally invasive technique now spells less pain for the patient, reports MELISSA HENG LOSING one’s sight suddenly can be a terrifying experience, and the thought of painful eye surgery often compounds the worry. For Madam Astrid, there was an added problem: she was working as a chemist and sight was crucial to her job. ‘My […]

Allergic Conjunctivitis Associated With Sinus

Question: For many years, my eyes are constantly itchy and irritated. This is especially so at night when I am sleeping. For the last half a year, this is so serious that the skin around my eyes is peeling as the result of my vigorous rubbing. I have sinus problem and the doctors I consulted […]

Food allergies are not to be sniffed at

Food allergies are not to be sniffed at Some food allergies, though rare, can have severe consequences for people suffering from them. Allergies are becoming more common around the world. Even the inhalation of cooking fumes can, in rare cases, trigger a reaction severe enough to kill. Earlier this month in the United States, an […]

Foods that hurt

How can you determine whether one has an allergy or intolerance towards certain foods? Dr Stephen Lee, Specialist in ENT Surgery, Raffles ENT Centre, clarifies the difference between these rather similar yet different conditions. What is Food Allergy? Food allergy refers to the classical immunological mediated response to food ingested which triggers an immune system reaction that […]