Your Trusted Partner

for Health

Dr. Than Trong Loc


Internal Medicine

Special Interests


English, Vietnamese



The son of an internist, Dr. Loc gained a full scholarship to enter Pham Ngoc Thach university among the first generation of students to study at the new medical campus—beginning studies in 1989.


Dr. Loc’s foremost professional interests lie in emergency medicine, ever since viewing an Australian documentary early on in his career that followed an impressive rescue team that saved lives with the support of ambulances, boats, helicopters and first-class modern equipment. At a time when Vietnam had yet to use any rescue helicopters, Dr. Loc decided to devote himself to the field, joining International SOS in multiple roles, including working as a remote site doctor, GP and occupational health physician. This career path has left Dr. Loc with many moving experiences and memories. 


Rejoining our operation in 2019 under Raffles Medical as a GP, Dr. Loc’s practice now focuses on providing expert visa and corporate health checks.

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