Men’s Health: Tips to Live Well and Age Well Through the Years

It is easy to feel invincible in our youth. After all, we are in our prime and the vigour of youth is vitality. However, did you know that not taking good care of yourself can impact your health later in life? In this article, we dive into all things men’s health, and share tips on […]

Benefits of Meal Preparation

Meal prepping is a term that has been trending. It involves preparing meals for the week in advance. This usually involves a lot of preparation and cooking for one day of the week in order to prepare for all other days. It sounds like a daunting task, but it can be both satisfying and healthy […]


Like wrinkles on a person’s skin, cataracts occur as one ages. Cataracts may happen to one who is in their 50s or they may not happen until one is 70. What is a cataract? Cataract is the clouding of the lens in the eye that affects vision. Being most commonly found in the elderly, cataract […]

Hand, Foot Mouth Disease

With hand, foot and mouth cases surging 150% against last month, HCMC’s Health Department is preparing to cope with a potential outbreak. In the past week the city recorded 423 cases, up 2.5 times against four weeks ago, according to the city’s Center for Disease Control and Prevention. The rise is recorded both in the […]

Guide: How to Care for Your Gut

A strong immune system, a stomach free from discomfort, mental clarity, and an overall good mood – these are all what it means to have a healthy gut. Severe bloating, daily fatigue, and recurrent debilitating migraines are not. According to the Singapore Cancer Registry1, digestive cancers have been identified as the most prevalent form of […]

How Do You Know If You Have A Food Intolerance?

WHILE FOOD ALLERGIES AND INTOLERANCE CAN LOOK ALIKE, HOW DO YOU TELL THE TWO APART? Food allergy involves an immune system response soon after eating a particular food. Even a tiny amount of allergy-causing food can trigger signs and symptoms such as digestive problems, hives, or swollen airways. A food allergy can cause severe symptoms […]

Decoding Breast Lumps & Bumps

Should you start panicking if you feel a lump or bump in your breast? The good news is that nine out of 10 breast lumps are not cancerous. Normal breasts can feel lumpy which is due to normal changes in breast tissue that occur during development. Benign breast lumps do not necessarily require any treatment, although treatment may be recommended if the lump is particularly large, […]

What is Coronary Artery Disease?

Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) refers to the accumulation of cholesterol plaques in the arteries of the heart. The arteries serve as ‘pipes’ to supply blood to the heart muscles. These plaques would gradually result in the obstruction of blood flow in the arteries. When the narrowing is significant, symptoms such as chest pain or chest pressure […]

The Dangers of Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a medical term for an umbrella of conditions that is characterised by the build-up of fat (fatty infiltration) in the liver.  The overall pooled global prevalence is reported to be 24.4 per cent but in westernised Asian populations, which include Singapore, prevalence rates as high as 40 per cent […]

Cervical Cancer

  Cervical cancer is the fourth most ​common cancer ​among women worldwide.1 The best way to detect cervical cancer is by having regular Pap smears.  “Cervical cancer has a precancerous stage. It can be prevented in the long run when the pre-cancerous stage is detected and treated,” says Dr Shamini Nair, Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Raffles Women’s Centre.  Dr Shamini’s clinical interests […]